Alright ketoers, I am going to cut right to the chase on this recipe, it is quite possibly the best thing I have ever made, and while simple, it hits every note you can think of. Creamy for the warm cream cheese, spicy from the jalapenos, and salty, smokey, and ever so slightly sweet from that delicious bacon. I know, I know, this is so simple, but I promise, if you throw a party with H'orderves, these will be the first things gone, and the last thing people are talking about as they leave. they are seriously that good.
4 Jalapenos halved, seeded but keep the stem on.
3 oz cream cheese
4 strips chopped bacon+ 4 bacon strips halved.
1 tsp of garlic powder
1 tsp of chili powder
1 dash of onion powder
Fry up the chopped bacon until super crispy but not burned, do no drain.
In a bowl mash your cream chese up with the spices until it is softened.
While your bacon is crisping, halve and seed your Jallies. You can remove the stem, but I like to keep the stem base on, it gives a little handle to hold onto, and it doesn't soften like the flesh of the pepper so this makes it much easier to eat.
When your bacon is crispy, add it, along with the bacon fat into your cheese and mix thoroughly
Stuff those bad boys and wrap in bacon.
NOTE: I don't buy strip bacon, my grocer carries bacon end pieces in the meat section, it usually has some strips mixed in with all the gnarly thick pieces they are left with after slicing the strips, those thick pieces make amazing Lardons, so that's what I get, therefore my boats are topped with slices, rather than wrapped.
Bake in a 350°F oven until the peppers are soft and the bacon is nice a crispy, I like to use a wire rack to back on the so the bacon crisps all around, I find that if you dont, the bottoms get soggy, and no one like soggy bottoms.
This recipe is so simple, that it can easily be multiplied, as it is, I would say it serves 2, although who am I kidding I ate them all.